How it Started

 My husband and I knew we wanted land. We didn't know where, we didn't know how much and we didn't know what we'd do with it. We just wanted our own piece of the earth bigger than our average city residential lot. Because we were so undecided, we were equally unmotivated to actually look for land until it literally fell into our laps.

Back up.

Just about 3 years ago we bought a small cabin on the south tip of Maury Island, Washington. Nothing fancy, but it quickly became our respite. The place we spent weekends to decompress from our fast paced life. 

A year later, on the way to our cabin for the weekend, we spotted a For Sale sign on the property just at the top of the hill above the beach. We stopped the car, looked at each other and didn't have to say a word. 

This picture was taken a few months after we closed on the property. The tractor came with the deal. I love this shot because my husband is so happy yet he had no idea what he was in for.

I think the saying goes something like "ignorance is bliss".


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